Stories by Ben Strang
Bullying in the police: 'It absolutely destroys you'
A former constable had suicidal thoughts because of the persistent bullying he faced during his time with the police.
Bullying in police impacting on public too, says former officer
Bullying within police has had a serious impact on the staff themselves and it's also impacting victims of crime, a former detective says.
Bullying in the police 'mental abuse' - officer
Bullying remains widespread throughout the police little more than a decade after a commission of inquiry into the organisation's culture, victims say.
$850m Transmission Gully completion delays likely
New Zealand Transport Agency said delays to some "critical construction" of the project meant they have to reassess the May 2020 opening date.
Mosque shootings fast-track new $4.6m police body armour
The police are fast-tracking the rollout of new-and-improved body armour as a result of the Christchurch Mosque shootings.
Poor gun storage 'incredibly concerning' - police
A random sample looking at the security of stolen firearms showed 32 percent were taken from unattended vehicles, most of which were left unlocked. Audio
Police to replace poorly rated roster system for emergency call handlers
Police emergency call handlers' current roster system, which has been previously called a failure, is set to get an overhaul.
Simon Bridges says EV uptake too slow
The National Party is criticising the Government's uptake of electric vehicles into its fleet, saying it's taking too long. Audio
Govt's new road safety strategy: What you need to know
The government is proposing a new road safety strategy called Road to Zero, aiming to cut road deaths by 40 percent in the next decade. Video
Ex-NZTA boss criticised in independent report
The former boss of the New Zealand Transport Agency's (NZTA) high-tech innovation arm has been heavily criticised in a report on his work.
Firearms licence vetting needs to close overseas crimes loophole - NZ gun owners
Firearms owners are concerned that foreigners and New Zealanders returning to the country aren't being scrutinised as closely as others when they seek a gun licence.
'I can't leave Australia, and I can't get help in Australia'
A New Zealand father has been forced back to Australia where he has no access to legal aid despite an Australian government agency having suggested he leave.
Child custody case calls Hague Convention into question
The Court of Appeal is set to reconsider the way New Zealand courts deal with the Hague Convention.
Gun storage at up to a quarter of police stations needs 'improvement'
Police are working to improve security at a quarter of all police stations after an audit into firearms storage.
Watch: How guns will be crushed under buy-back scheme
Police have revealed details of how the gun buyback process will work at a public demonstration today. Video
Media banned from gun buy-back events after concerns raised
Police have heeded the advice of the Deerstalkers Association and banned media from attending gun buy-back events.
NZ mum escapes abusive Australian partner in rare case
A New Zealand mother who was forced into hiding to escape her abusive Australian partner is now back home with her child after a rare win in the Australian courts.
Vision Zero plan 'bamboozling the public with garbage'
Motorsport legend Greg Murphy has slammed a proposed road safety strategy for failing to put NZ drivers' under-trained and over-confident behaviour at the forefront.
New road safety proposal to focus on reducing deaths and injuries
A new road safety proposal called Vision Zero which could begin next year will focus on reducing deaths and injuries, rather than the number of crashes. Video
Gun imports quicker because of streamlined permit process - police
Police have sped up the importing of guns into the country by steamlining the process of giving out permits.
Import ban on less safe cars would affect top sellers
Some of the country's most popular cars could be banned from being imported under a proposed new road safety strategy. Audio
Politicians mistakenly agreed to ban magazines for all firearms
In the days following the Christchurch terror attacks, politicians rushing to pass new laws mistakenly agreed to ban magazines for all firearms.
Speed cameras 'not about stinging motorists with fines for no reason'
The government won't be signing off on a vast increase in the number of speed cameras, unless they're well sign-posted. Video
More speed cameras, bigger fines could be down the road
Hundreds of speed cameras, attracting much larger fines, could be added to the roading network under the next road safety strategy.
Firearms licence application granted in one day - OIA
Police have processed at least one firearms licence in less than a day, while 96.29 percent of applicants have succeeded in getting a licence.