Stories by Brent Edwards
True MMP: Ardern as PM, English as deputy
Opinion - What would New Zealand's political landscape look like if we had a truly MMP government? Brent Edwards enters a parallel world where all voters had their influence.
2017: A very long time in politics
Opinion - At the beginning of the year Jacinda Ardern would not have put money on her becoming Prime Minister. 2018 will be a different story, writes Brent Edwards.
National shrugs off warnings about next election
The National Party is shrugging off warnings it does not have the allies it needs to help it get back into government after the 2020 election.
'Hobbit law' change vindication for late union leader
Opinion - A working group to replace the so-called Hobbit law would have given Helen Kelly a great sense of satisfaction and vindication, writes Brent Edwards.
We know Winston, but who're NZ First's other MPs?
Analysis - Winston Peters needs no introduction, but who are the nine New Zealand First MPs who could form part of the next government? Brent Edwards takes a look.
Election no two-horse race
National and Labour want voters to think they're in a "drag race". For those who need a reminder, this is still an MMP election, Brent Edwards writes.
Dunne: A great survivor finally runs out of support
Analysis - After a 33-year political career, the end for Peter Dunne has been slowly coming for some time, writes Brent Edwards.
Candour wins few admirers in politics
Analysis - It says much about the state of politics that Andrew Little's confession of leadership doubts is seen not as a sign of strength, but of weakness, writes Brent Edwards.
Voter participation on decline despite MMP
Outspoken - Academics are worried about a continuing decline in voter participation, particularly among the young, the poor, Māori and Pasifika. Audio
How does John Key's legacy compare to the Bolger years?
Analysis - John Key stepped down as Prime Minister on his own terms this year. But what legacy will he leave behind, and how does it compare to the National Party's previous long-serving PM?
Bennett vs Bridges: Battle of the westies
Bill English might have cemented his position as Prime Minister, but National Party MPs still must decide who will be his deputy.
Who is NZ's likely new prime minister?
Analysis - After a 26-year apprenticeship, Bill English will be confirmed as Prime Minister on Monday. There are plenty of challenges ahead, writes Brent Edwards.
Could New Zealand face its own Trumping?
Analysis - Donald Trump's unexpected win has some wondering if a similar event could happen here. Brent Edwards considers it.