Stories by Charlie Dreaver
Govt questioned over funding for students with diverse learning needs
The government is copping criticism for denying funding to students who have diverse learning needs and then blocking parents from paying for it themselves.
Government considers new limits on bottom trawling
Environment Minister David Parker says he is open to the idea of phasing out bottom trawling in areas that have not already been trawled.
Healthy Homes enforcement should not fall to tenants, says lawyer
Those advocating for tenants say it should not be up to renters to enforce the Healthy Home Standards due to the power imbalance.
MP calls for inquiry into mental health facility projects and upgrades
National MP Matt Doocey is pushing for the Health Select Committee to open an inquiry into the 15 new Inpatient Mental Health Facilities and upgrade projects under development. Video
Fears more tenants will be stuck in tenancies due to new housing standards
A group of Wellington flatmates are trapped in their lease because their landlord is biding time before getting the property up to the Healthy Home Standards.
Healthy Homes: 'Significant' heating problem found as standards take effect
A major problem with the Healthy Homes heating assessment - coming into force today - has resulting in landlords buying heat pumps and heaters that are too large.
Hate speech laws: ACT, National say proposals a divisive overreach
Opposition parties are condemning the government's plans to make hate speech a criminal offence and to introduce harsher penalties.
Kiwis stuck in Melbourne lockdown relieved at flights announcement
New Zealanders stuck in Victoria are breathing a sigh of relief that the end of their extended holiday in Covid-19 lockdown is in sight. Audio
Māori Party question police response to white supremacist video
Te Pāti Māori is accusing police of having double standards when dealing with death threats made against Pākehā and Māori.
'Scene setting' immigration speech labelled confusing by critics
Immigration is in for a shake-up but the details are still unclear with critics slating the government's latest message as confusing and worrying.
Cook Islands PM on travel bubble: 'Today, we start to rebuild'
Cook Island businesses holding out for much needed tourists have now got a reprieve with a travel bubble with New Zealand less than two weeks away. Audio
Stuck in India: 'We want to come back home to our families'
The travel ban on India lifts today, but those eligible to return home are finding it impossible to get flights. Audio
Fears health sector reform could delay mental health boost
The Mental Health Foundation wants reassurance from the government that mental health reforms wont be slowed down by the major health restructure.
Woman fears adoption delays could see niece left behind in Ethiopia
A Kiwi who has fought for years to adopt her nieces and nephews from Ethiopia is now facing the possibility that one will have to be left behind.
'Outrageous'- Becroft says 15yo's deportation needs to be taken up by highest authorities
The Children's Commissioner is even more concerned about the deportation of a 15 year old and does not believe Australia has stuck to its international obligations under the Convention on the Rights…
Ministry of Health seeks innovative ways to deliver abortion services
The transformation of the country's abortion services is one step closer with Ministry of Health seeking expressions of interest for projects that will improve abortion services.
Mandatory Covid-19 app scanning put on back burner
Mandating the scanning of QR codes on the Covid Tracer app has been put in the too-hard basket by the government - for now.
Multiple challenges in mandating Covid-19 tracer app - tech expert
A tech expert is warning the government could face multiple stumbling blocks if it makes QR code scanning mandatory - in particular when dealing with tech giants like Apple and Google.
Bloomfield 'would need to be convinced' over prosecution of rule-breakers
Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield is "reluctant" to refer those in the Papatoetoe cluster who breached lockdown restrictions to police. Audio
Willie Jackson says Labour's Māori caucus bringing change
A crowd in Whangārei has been told Labour is a government full of Pākehā, but committed to kaupapa Māori. Audio
Bluetooth a puzzle for thousands of Covid app users
Thousands of people have asked the Ministry of Health for help after having trouble enabling Bluetooth on the Covid-19 tracer app. Video
Call for more strict glyphosate-use guidelines after Japan's honey warning
Tough border testing for New Zealand honey imports to Japan is re-igniting the conversation about the use of the weed killer glypohsate in New Zealand.
Japan warns of NZ honey shipment halt if glyphosate limits exceeded
New Zealand sent almost $68m of honey to Japan last year, but the country is warning it will stop our honey imports if it continues to find the weed killer glyphosate during border testing.
Green co-leaders reflect on 2020 and plans for 2021
Marama Davidson and James Shaw reflect on 2020 - but both will have their work cut out for them in the new year.
Mallard could be questioned over costly legal dispute on Wednesday
The Parliament's Speaker is expected to appear before a select committee on Wednesday to be questioned about a costly legal dispute.