Stories by Chris Bramwell
Labour ditches old campaign policies
The Labour Party has been clearing the decks of policies that proved to be unpopular and too complicated to explain at last year's general election.
Labour reveals plan to tackle obesity
The Labour Party is pledging to make the food industry start reducing sugar content in processed food as part of a plan to tackle obesity.
Labour conference 'a good test of party members'
Labour goes into its first conference in Palmerston North this weekend, after its crippling 2014 election defeat and with its fourth leader in as many years. Audio
Mark tells Lee: 'Go back to Korea'
New Zealand First deputy leader Ron Mark is being accused of racism after telling a Korean-born MP to go back to Korea during a parliamentary debate. Audio
Second chance for Filipino dairy workers
The Immigration Minister has announced new rules for Filipino dairy workers who may have provided incorrect information in their original work visa applications. Audio
No Siree: Key won't drop titular honours
Prime Minister John Key is committed to keeping titular honours, despite Australia dropping knights and dames from its honours system.
Childhood obesity plan quiet on sugar
The government wants to tackle childhood obesity, so why is it ignoring the sugary elephant in the room, asks Chris Bramwell in this week's Power Play.
Environment report depressing - Opposition
The latest state of the environment report makes for depressing reading, say opposition parties.
NZ can't stop criminals being deported here - PM
Prime Minister John Key says there is nothing the government can do to stop the woman at the centre of one of Australia's most disturbing child abuse cases being sent to New Zealand.
Labour MP still hopes to get access to detention centre
Labour Party MP Kelvin Davis, who is on Christmas Island, says he remains hopeful he will be able to visit New Zealanders in detention there.
Christmas Island 'just like a prison'
Labour MP Kelvin Davis says New Zealanders being detained on Christmas Island still have no idea when they will be released. Audio
Government keeps surplus promise but victory debated
National has delivered on its 2011 promise to get the books back into surplus, but does it mean anything, asks Chris Bramwell in this week's Power Play.
Opposition parties slam govt's 'pitiful' surplus
The government says its' new surplus - the first in seven years - is the pay-off to years of hard work, but opposition parties say it means nothing with unemployment still high and economic growth…
Govt considers TPP OIA appeal
The government is considering whether to appeal against a court decision finding Trade Minister Tim Groser acted unlawfully over TPP information requests. Audio
How will deported criminals cope in NZ?
Government agencies have been working behind the scenes to prepare for the deportation of about 1000 New Zealanders from Australia, the Prime Minister says.
Detained Kiwis bring difficult questions
Power Play - Does New Zealand and Australia's special relationship justify requesting special treatment for New Zealanders being held in detention?
Minister keen to help housing trust
A Far North trust is worried about its charitable status - and Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says she could consider a law change to help. Audio
A flutter of hope for Red Peak?
The Prime Minister says if there is cross-party support to add a fifth flag to the referendum, then he could consider a law change.
Take more people, Refugee Council tells MPs
The Refugee Council has told MPs that accepting only 600 extra refugees into New Zealand is not good enough.
Outlook bright for Whānau Ora, says new report
A new report into Whānau Ora paints a positive picture of the programme, but provides no hard data and does not evaluate the spending of the first $140 million.
Workplace safety plans open can of worms
The Workplace Relations Minister is getting a ribbing over plans to label worm farming and mini-putt as high-risk, but not sheep, beef and dairy farming.
PM stands by Foreign Minister McCully
John Key is standing by his Foreign Affairs Minister in the face of calls for him to be stood down while the Auditor General investigates the Saudi sheep farm deal. Audio
Buyers set to pay GST on online services
The days of buying tax-free goods and services online are set to come to an end. Video
Solid Energy in 'precarious position'
The Government is accused of failing to intervene to help troubled state-owned coal miner Solid Energy.
'They just want to derail the agreement'
Associate Trade Minister Todd McClay has questioned the motives of those calling for the negotiating text for the Trans-Pacific Partnership to be made public.