Stories by Craig McCulloch
Key: National must find new friends in post-Winston world
Former prime minister Sir John Key has reminded National it needs to find potential coalition partners for next year's election.
Bridges strikes strong note at Nats' party conference
National leader Simon Bridges has opened the party's annual conference with a rousing speech, giving a preview of the Opposition's campaign strategy for next year's election.
Minister denies principals blindsided over pay deal cost
Education Minister Chris Hipkins is showing no sympathy for principals who say they've been blindsided by an "unfair" aspect of the teachers' pay deal, which could cost schools thousands of dollars.
Ardern targets deportations ahead of talks with Aussie PM
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has doubled down on her criticism of Australia's deportation policy as "corrosive", ahead of her meeting with counterpart Scott Morrison.
What to expect from the PM's trip to Australia
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will touch down in Melbourne this afternoon, four months after her planned visit to the city was called off due to the Christchurch terror attack.
National's KiwiBuild complaint taken up by Auditor-General's office
The Auditor-General's investigators are to look into the National Party's complaints about taxpayer funding being used to underwrite KiwiBuild homes.
Kaingaroa settlement receives $2.4m for redevelopment
A small Māori village in a Bay of Plenty forest has secured $2.4 million in funding to improve its rundown housing. Video
'Reverse nimbyism' jeopardising military operations - Mark
Defence Minister Ron Mark has taken aim at "metropolitan urban New Zealand", saying its "reverse nimbyism" is jeopardising military operations.
Specialist sign-off for medicinal cannabis 'upsetting and problematic'
Doctors will require a specialist's recommendation to sign off on most prescriptions under the government's proposed medicinal cannabis scheme.
Crown agency didn't stonewall Taxpayers' Union - Ombudsman
Crown agency Callaghan Innovation has been given a clean bill of health over its handling of Official Information Act requests following complaints it had "stonewalled" the Taxpayers' Union.
'Clean car discount' would penalise gas guzzler imports
Heavy-polluting vehicles could soon be slapped with an import fee, with the revenue going towards subsidising clean, green vehicles. Video, Audio
'Basically saying if you're well off, we're not really going to touch you'
The Serious Fraud Office's decision not to prosecute a former DHB head who racked up about $120,000 in unjustified spending has prompted an outcry.
Protest 'lunacy' tiring wider iwi, says Treaty claim negotiator
A roadblock protest labelled "lunacy" by Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little is bringing the hapū and iwi into disrepute, a Treaty claim negotiator says.
Trespass notice 'an act of lunacy' - Little
Police are investigating after an aggrieved hapū member cut off a Crown limousine carrying Andrew Little, blocked the road, and then issued the Treaty Negotiations Minister a "trespass notice".
Heavy duty bags: Plastic ban may be too thinly enforced
New Zealand's plastic bag ban may not cover many of the thicker "emergency-style" shopping bags stocked by supermarkets, despite the government's promise it would.
Megan Woods refuses to confirm KiwiBuild overall target
New Housing Minister Megan Woods has fronted to media for the first time in her new role, promising a different approach to KiwiBuild under her watch.
Women's ministry defends higher salaries for its male staff
The Ministry for Women - which aims to eliminate the gender pay gap - has defended paying its male staff 6 percent more than its female staff.
'Firearms don't devalue at that rate' - consulted gun dealer
One of the gun shop owners consulted over the government's buyback scheme says their advice was ignored, and the amounts offered are a "gross misrepresentation".
Electoral law change puts political parties in the firing line
Politicians on both sides of the aisle are accusing each other of trying to manipulate voting laws to boost their chances at the next election. Audio
Operation Burnham: Hit & Run author backtracks on key claim
One of the authors of Hit & Run has backed away from a key claim in the book, revealing he now believes armed insurgents were in a village attacked by New Zealand elite soldiers. Audio
'Threatening or inciting violence' not covered by free speech - Seymour
ACT leader David Seymour says his proposed free speech protections would not allow people to spread footage of the Christchurch terror attack.
Power Play: Breakaway Christian party a gamble, gambit or godsend?
Power Play - For the National opposition, a breakaway Christian party is a 'Hail Mary' of the highest order, writes Craig McCulloch.
Budget funds tipped for scheme tackling family violence
A major anti-family violence pilot programme is expected to get the green light for more funding at a pre-Budget announcement on Sunday.
Govt reveals recycling plans after China's waste import ban
The government has announced the next steps in its plan to recharge New Zealand's recycling.
Speaker ejects Bridges from debating chamber
Watch - National leader Simon Bridges has been booted out of Parliament's debating chamber for disputing whether he'd made a "barnyard noise". Video