Stories by Emily Ireland
Playground equipment shut over safety fears
Swings have been removed from a Carterton playground after a national standards survey, with concerns about items at four other playgrounds.
Fatberg culprits not so super: Costumes, nappies, oil clogging wastewater system
In recent weeks, pump stations have been getting blocked up by wet wipes and similar items, says Carterton District Council.
Masterton building probe triggers national study
More than half of the warehouses examined in a new study are designed poorly and pose a threat to people.
Georgina Beyer's legacy to live on in Carterton
A new street in Carterton will immortalise the legacy of former mayor and member of parliament Georgina Beyer.
Survey shows only 9 percent happy with South Wairarapa council
Only 9 percent of South Wairarapa residents are happy with council decisions and actions last year, a damning perception survey shows.
Audit delays leave mayor ‘unimpressed’
Resourcing issues at Audit New Zealand have forced South Wairarapa and Masterton councils to defer the adoption of their 2021/22 annual reports, breaching statutory deadlines.
Bird poop puts council on notice
A number of high E.coli readings from samples at Masterton District Council's wastewater treatment plant are believed to have been caused by excrement from waterfowl.
Masterton councillors to discuss fatal crash report
Masterton's elected members are set to discuss a report detailing a fatal two-plane crash near the council-owned Hood Aerodrome.
Masterton council endorses hybrid road solution
A hybrid solution for an eroding coastal road has been rubber-stamped by Masterton District Council.
Wairarapa leaders weigh in on lowering voting age
Lowering the voting age was "a significant point" raised in engagement with stakeholders, local government review panel says.
New Wairarapa council code nods to Treaty of Waitangi
Of Wairarapa's three district councils, only one is set to immediately adopt a refreshed Code of Conduct with mention of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
New Carterton Mayor Ron Mark - 'There are battle lines being drawn'
It's a homecoming of sorts for Carterton's new mayor Ron Mark, who makes a return to the position after a successful career in central government.
End of an era for Masterton
After 15 years of serving the Masterton District, Mayor Lyn Patterson is farewelling her role as an elected member.
Masterton District Council approves climate change plan
A 76-point plan to tackle climate change has been given the tick by Masterton District Council. But it did not receive unanimous support from elected members.
Carterton dog pound deal up for debate
Carterton councillors will decide on Wednesday whether they will progress a pay-per-night dog pound agreement with neighbouring councils.
Mayor tells govt 'to go back and consult' on Three Waters
South Wairarapa District Council has asked the government to delay the Water Services Entities Bill "until better consultation is undertaken".
'Winter is here', mayoral candidate warns
Masterton mayoral candidate Tina Nixon has donned a sword in her 2022 campaign, taking aim at central government-imposed reforms and promising to be a "powerful voice" for the provincial district.
'Our voice will not be silenced again': Iwi opposes limited representation in water entities
A Wairarapa iwi says parts of the Water Services Entities Bill will remove and diminish their voice and autonomy from water conversations. A Wairarapa iwi says parts of the Water...
$1m funding to aid Wairarapa's Three Waters transitional costs
Wairarapa councils will receive a combined $1.1 million of government funding to ensure they have the resourcing necessary to implement the Three Waters reforms.
Council tensions high over three waters co-governance
Tensions ran high during discussions on co-governance last week as South Wairarapa councillors prepared their submission on the government's Water Services Entities Bill.
Carterton asked to limit water use
Carterton residents may need to let the yellow mellow while the council waits for floodwaters to subside at the town's wastewater treatment plant.
Dog pound build costs blow out by $229k
With the new dog pound costs at $599,000, Carterton District councillors will vote this week on whether to stick to plan, delay, or switch to a pre-fab or similar design.
South Wairarapa District Council set to add official information requests to fees list
A South Wairarapa council committee has recommended official information requests be added to the list of fees and charges in the coming financial year.
MP’s alcohol advertising bill gets no support from Carterton council
Carterton District Council has voted against backing a Private Members Bill which seeks to end the ability to appeal councils' local alcohol policies, controlling alcohol sales, trading hours, and…
Masterton District Council land sale progressing
Masterton District Council has unanimously supported selling 4.2 hectares of land to be developed for public housing.