Stories by Jo Moir
Racing industry to get govt funding for all-weather tracks
New Zealand First's loyalty to the racing industry has galloped beyond tax breaks for good-looking race horses to include several all-weather race tracks for the industry.
Minister for Crown/Māori Relations still without job description
Ten months after the government named Kelvin Davis for the role of Minister for Crown/Māori Relations, it is still unclear what his job is.
Simon Bridges spending leak: Consensus over need for inquiry
The clock is ticking for whoever leaked Simon Bridges' travel expenses with a forensic expert being brought in to identify the person responsible.
Public goodwill towards police at risk - union warns
The inquiry into the appointment of deputy police commissioner Wally Haumaha needs to be swift to prevent public goodwill from being undermined, the police union says.
Bridges: National caucus didn't leak travel expenses
Opposition leader Simon Bridges is standing by his MPs, saying he doesn't believe one of them leaked his travel expenses to media.
Online pre-qualification opens for KiwiBuild homes
Online pre-qualification has opened for first homebuyers and second-chancers in the market for a KiwiBuild home.
Labour's rise to power 'one hell of a ride'
Analysis - Plenty of people told Labour Party general secretary Andrew Kirton he was mad to leave his life in London and return home to try to help the party win the 2017 election.
Mana in Mahi scheme announced for youth on the dole
The prime minister has unveiled a scheme to subsidise employers to take on young people on welfare as apprentices.
Taxpayers to fork out $20k to defend Peters' lawsuit
Taxpayers will fork out an estimated $20,000 to cover the legal fees of the former ministers sued by the Deputy Prime Minister over the leak of his superannuation details.
Iwi leaders say they will go to court over Māori freshwater rights
Iwi leaders have told the government they'll see them in court over Māori rights to freshwater.
Building plans: Govt targets construction industry woes
Cabinet ministers will today discuss a different government approach they can take to the construction industry to deal with the major challenges facing the sector, including skill shortages.
Water rights impasse on agenda as govt meets iwi leaders
Cabinet ministers are headed to Ngaruawahia to meet the Iwi Chairs Forum for the first time since Cabinet agreed not to pursue water ownership rights for Māori.
Gloriavale 'entitled' to apply for funding but no guarantees
Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones says he didn't expect communes to put in for a share of the provincial growth fund but Gloriavale's application has shown anyone can try. Audio
Bridges' sister accused of using science classes to teach creationism
Opposition leader Simon Bridges says he's seen no evidence that his sister has been teaching creationism in place of the New Zealand science curriculum at a private christian school.
Simon Bridges: 30 charter schools would be 'fantastic'
National would aim to triple the number of charter schools if it formed the next government, leader Simon Bridges says. Video
National MP wants gang patches banned in public
Gangs are becoming more visible in communities and are starting to flex their muscles, National Party justice spokesperson Mark Mitchell says.
More teachers, smaller classes - Bridges makes first conference speech as leader
Smaller class sizes in primary schools and more teachers under a National government is the pledge Simon Bridges has given in his first speech as party leader at the National Party conference.
National reveals details of medicinal cannabis bill
National Party leader Simon Bridges has unveiled a plan for a law change that would treat medicinal cannabis the same as any other pharmacist-only medicine. Video