Stories by Peter Wilson
Week in Politics: Brute force and breathtaking determination
Analysis - The government's mandatory vaccination regime is backed by businesses but gets a curious response from National, while the Three Waters plan is described as "an act of breathtaking…
Week in Politics: Lockdown exit strategy is set out
Analysis - The government sets out its plan to end lockdowns, Labour and National surprise everyone with a joint housing initiative, and a "huge deal" free trade agreement with Britain.
Week in Politics: Transition confusion and a road to nowhere
Analysis - The government's move away from its Covid-19 elimination strategy causes confusion, the plan to ease Auckland's restrictions is described as a road to nowhere and vaccination becomes the…
Week in Politics: Is New Zealand really like North Korea?
Analysis - Sir John Key stirs up the pandemic debate and stands by his North Korea comparison as the government scorns National's plan for ending lockdowns and re-opening the border, writes political…
Week in Politics: Auckland moves down, doubt cast on elimination strategy
Analysis - Critics accuse the government of giving up on its elimination strategy and Speaker Trevor Mallard's move to stop unvaccinated people entering Parliament's precinct raises debate.
The Week in Politics: Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate
Analysis - The government makes a big push to get as many people as possible vaccinated, the polls are bleak for Judith Collins and MIQ bookings are set to re-open, writes Peter Wilson.
Week in Politics: A fast- tracked counter-terrorism bill, while Spain saves a vaccine slowdown
Analysis - Counter-terrorism legislation on the fast track after the Auckland attack, 250,000 extra doses of Pfizer vaccine, and Delta causes a re-think of the re-connection policy.
Week in Politics: Parliament suspension, vaccine tension
Analysis - Parliament is suspended, the Auckland outbreak puts the vaccine rollout under intense scrutiny and questions are raised about elimination.
Week in Politics: Fortune favours the Opposition
Analysis: The National Party conference ends in disunity as a major board member quits, but the government is under the gun after power blackouts and revelations unvaccinated port workers boarded an…
Week in Politics: 'Demand the Debate' campaign gets picked apart
Analysis - Judith Collins' "Demand the Debate" campaign is picked apart, the first mass vaccination event is announced, and the government offers councils a $2.5b Three Waters sweetener.
Week in Politics: Learning to live with the virus - or not
Analysis - The government gives the first indication of what the Covid-19 future holds for Kiwis, a Labour MP breaks ranks with comments about China, the retirement age resurfaces and a second vaccine…
Turmoil builds over Covid-19 precautions, hate speech plans and water reforms
Analysis - The government's management of the pandemic is under scrutiny; the prime minister is criticised over the proposed hate speech laws and a former National minister berates his own party.
The Week in Politics: 'Feebate' splits Parliament
Analysis - The government's feebate scheme divides Parliament, Ardern announces a formal apology for the dawn raids, and more of the vaccine rollout is revealed, Peter Wilson writes.