Stories by Russell Palmer
Watch: Government releases 10-year transport plan for consultation
The government has unveiled its plan for land transport over the next decade, prioritising more than $20 billion of funding on 14 new roads and public transport links.
National proposes KiwiSaver split, would roll back two financial laws
National is promising to allow people to split their KiwiSaver between multiple providers.
Labour ministers turn political disputes personal
Associate Housing Minister Willie Jackson has had to apologise in Parliament, while Finance Minister Grant Robertson is refusing to apologise after calling his opposite a "liar".
'Populist' and 'stupid': 12 tax experts respond to GST-free fruit and veges
Labour's GST-free fruit and vegetables tax policy is being widely panned by experts, who say it is betting on voters' ignorance.
Global tensions prompt NZ to ramp up security and defence resources
New Zealand's Defence Force will ramp up its readiness for combat, taking a more "proactive and purposeful" approach as part of a new government strategy.
Major parties offer explanations after transport policy diversions
Both major political parties are working to clear up confusion over their transport policies.
National details $24.8b transport policy
National is promising a suite of new roads and a rapid transit network for Auckland, using a mix of government funding and private equity. But Labour says the costings still come up billions short. Audio
Te Pāti Māori proposes suite of changes in new tax policies
Co-leaders Rawiri Waititi and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer say their policies would redistribute wealth, changing a system that takes from the poor to give to the rich.
ACT's Simon Court apologises over 'clear breach' of confidentiality
Court has apologised in a letter, and the privileges committee has not recommended further action against him.
ACT and Greens urge action, not rhetoric, over housing
Politicians on the left and right are at odds over a new housing report, but agree that what is really needed is getting more homes built.
Government reannounces funding for maternity programme, retinal cameras
The Associate Health Minister is celebrating the rollout of $74m to its Kahu Taurima maternity programme, and $7m to buy 20 new paediatric retinal cameras.
Government questions cost, value of National's medical school policy
The government is questioning National's ability to fund a new medical school, and says it's unclear if doing so would increase the total number of doctors trained.
Verrall backs plan to close 'confronting' health workforce gaps
New Zealand is estimated to need to increase recruitment by 8000 nurses and 3400 doctors on top of meeting current staffing levels to deal with demand out to 2033.
Hipkins to put staffing claims to Allan after EU trip
The prime minister intends to speak to Kiri Allan in a couple of weeks about claims of past disunity with her staff. He suggests the ongoing interest is a sign of higher standards.
Kiri Allan rejects claims she treated staff badly
The Cabinet minister is rejecting the description of events provided by the head of DOC over claims of a breakdown in the relationship with staff.
Ruapehu Alpine Lifts funding: What political parties say
Parties across Parliament seem to agree the funding to keep the Ruapehu skifields operating over winter is not a great look, but needed to happen.
Political parties back extra tertiary education funding
Opposition parties are largely endorsing the government's move to pump $128 million more into tertiary education, but say it shows things need to change.
Christopher Luxon commits to flying commercial if elected
Opposition leader Christopher Luxon says he will not use Defence Force planes to travel internationally if elected as prime minister.
Employment lawyer decries ACT policy on contractors
ACT's new policy to set more specific rules for hiring contractors would only lead to more exploitation of workers, an employment lawyer who has fought cases on behalf of disgruntled workers says.
Michael Wood's reminders to divest his shares: A timeline
A government response details 16 times the Cabinet office interacted with Michael Wood over his shares since 2017 - which eventually led to his resignation.
Wood's exit shows 'Chris Hipkins is weak' - Luxon
National Party leader Christopher Luxon says Michael Wood's behaviour shows prime minister Chris Hipkins is weak and failed to manage his team's culture.
Opposition parties accused of racism over health equity claims
Opposition parties have been accused of trying to whip up racism over a tool which prioritises surgery waitlists based partly on ethnicity, and the Health Minister's been asked to check it's working…
ACT MP Simon Court to be investigated for sharing committee information
ACT MP Simon Court has been referred to Parliament's powerful privileges committee after he publicly shared select committee information.
National brands Labour's Handmaid's Tale tweet as 'appalling'
Labour's campaign chair is standing by a social media post which likens National's prescriptions policy to dystopian TV show and novel The Handmaid's Tale.
Labour and National in standoff over housing density
The main parties both say they are willing to work together on policies to build more housing, but neither seems likely to budge over their approach.