Busy people’s bread

3:05 pm on 29 April 2016

A lot of people are put off making bread because they think of it as a time consuming exercise. If you fall into that camp then give this super quick bread a whirl. It's a simple one mix dough that you don't have to let rise because it rises in the oven during the first stage of low temperature cooking. Makes 2 loaves.


  •     2C boiling water
  •     4t honey
  •     2C cold water
  •     7t dry yeast granules
  •     2¾ cups high-grade white flour
  •     2¾ cups wholemeal flour
  •     3t salt
  •     2C sunflower seeds
  •     4T pumpkin seeds


Preheat oven to just 80ºC and grease and line two 25x10cm loaf tins with baking paper.

In a large bowl, mix the boiling water with the honey to dissolve. Add the cold water and yeast and put to one side for 10 minutes. Whisk the yeast mixture then add white and wholemeal flour, salt and sunflower seeds and mix with a large spoon until evenly combined. (The mixture will be a very loose, wet batter.)

Divide mixture between prepared loaf tins, spread evenly and flatten the top. Sprinkle 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds over the top of each loaf and, run a sharp knife through the top of each loaf in at least 3 or 4 places so it rises evenly without splitting.Bake for 20 minutes at 80ºC and then turn up the oven to 210˚C and bake for a further 30-40 minutes.

When cooked, the loaves will sound hollow when tapped. Turn out of the tins while still hot and leave to cool. This bread stays fresh for several days and toasts well.

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