Caramelised Onion and Feta Tarts

11:28 pm on 8 February 2010

10 portions


Short crust pastry

  • 220g plain flour
  • 50g butter
  • pinch salt
  • water

Caramelised onions

  • 500g red onion
  • 20mls olive oil
  • 150mls balsamic vinegar
  • 35g brown sugar

Egg mix

  • 2 eggs
  • 75mls cream
  • 75mls milk
  • salt and pepper

To finish tarts

  • 100g feta cheese crumbled
  • flour for dusting
  • baking beans
  • 10 x 60mm tart moulds
  • silicon pepper
  • oil or butter to grease moulds


Short crust pastry

Sift flour and add the salt.

Dice the butter into small pieces and add to the flour.

Rub through the flour using you finger tip, trying to get as much air in it as possible, keep rubbing until all the butter is incorporated with the flour.

Add a tablespoon of cold water at a time, start to bring the dough together, when the dough is moist enough it should leave the bowl fairly clean.

Cover bowl with cling film and place in the refrigerator to rest for at least 30 minutes.

Caramelised onions

Peel and thinly slice the red onions.

Heat a thick bottomed pan and add the olive oil and sliced red onions. Reduce the heat and stir until the onions begin to soften and caramelise.

Add the brown sugar and balsamic vinegar, continue to cook over a low heat until the vinegar has reduced. Leave to cool.

Egg mix

Crack the eggs and add the cream and milk, add seasoning and strain.

To finish tarts

Dust the work surface with flour and roll out the Short crust pastry to a thickness of about 5mm, cut using a round cutter.

Grease tart moulds, and line with the pastry, place in the fridge and leave for 30 minutes (if you do not have moulds you could use a Yorkshire pudding tin).

Pre-heat oven to170°C.

Cut silicon paper into rounds and place on top of the pastry and fill with the baking beans (if you do not have baking beans you can use rice or some other dried beans).

Blind bake in the oven for 10 minutes, remove from the oven.

When cool remove beans and silicon paper.

Add 20 grams of caramelised onion and top with the crumbled feta to each mould. Pour over the egg mix until it is just under the top of the pastry.

Return to the oven and bake for 10 - 12 minutes until the egg mix has set, and the pastry is cooked.

Leave to cool, remove from the mould and serve.

Tea Match as suggested by Nigel Scott, National Manager, Dilmah NZ Ltd

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