Lime & Ginger Panna Cotta

8:00 am on 2 December 2020

Serves 6 / Cook & prep time 15 min

Lime & Ginger Panna Cotta

Lime & Ginger Panna Cotta Photo: Cam's Food Adventure \ Cameron Mckie


  • 570ml cream
  • 150ml coconut milk
  • ¼ cup castor sugar
  • 70g freshly grated ginger
  • 60ml lime juice
  • 1 lime zest
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 10g dry unflavoured gelatin


  1. Put gelatine in with the coconut milk stir and leave to sit for 5 minutes
  2. Zest & grate ginger and add to the line juice
  3. In a large saucepan over medium heat add cream, castor sugar, vanilla and the lime juice mixture Cook until sugar is dissolved and the flavours have infused nicely (10min)
  4. Add the coconut/gelatin  mixture & cook until the gelatine has dissolved
  5. Pass through a sieve to remove lumps
  6. Pour into moulds or glasses about 120ml per serving
  7. Place in the fridge and leave to set 3-4 hours
  8. Serve with strawberry coulis & crushed gingernuts.

Strawberry Coulis

  • 300g strawberry
  • 1T Manuka honey
  • ¼ cup castor sugar
  • Juice of 1 lemon

Mix all together in a saucepan and cook until strawberry is really tender, blitz with blender then pass through a sieve.