Nic Watt's Summer Berries

3:00 pm on 16 February 2024

Serves 6

Nic Watt's summer berries

Nic Watt's summer berries photograph by Babiche Martens Photo: Babiche Martens



  • 1 punnet raspberries
  • 2 punnet strawberries
  • 1 punnet blackberries
  • 1 punnet blueberries
  • 3 each passion fruit
  • 1 bunch mint
  • 1 bunch basil
  • 250g white chocolate broken into small pieces
  • 60ml umeshu (plum wine)
  • 80ml cream
  • Matcha green tea powder to serve (optional)


Wash and trim the berries, I usually just halve the juicy big strawberries and leave everything else whole. Place them on a plate,  not in a bowl and freeze them. You want them to be individually frozen, not a big lump.

Halve the passion fruit and pick the mint and basil down to the fine small tops.

Scatter the frozen berries across a serving plate, squeeze the passion fruit over the berries and sprinkle the mint and basil over.

Soften the chocolate and umeshu together in a double boiler. Add a little of the cream to get a beautiful pouring consistency. Transfer to a warm pouring jug

By now the berries should have a soft texture. Present the berries at the table, pour the warm sauce over and listen to the oohs and ahhs. Dust with green tea powder and eat immediately for a hot chocolate with frozen berry sensation.