Sweet and Sour Pumpkin

9:00 pm on 14 June 2004


  • 500ml Canola oil
  • 1 kg skinned pumpkin or squash
  • 6 peeled medium garlic cloves
  • 125 ml white vinegar
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar
  • pinch cinnamon
  • 8 mint leaves
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


Slice the pumpkin into 1 cm thick slices. Fry in hot canola oil at 185oC with the garlic. (If you do not have a fat thermometer test the temperature of the oil by dropping a 2 inch square of bread into the oil and timing it to see how long it takes to turn golden brown. It should take 60 seconds).

Remove the garlic when golden brown and tender, drain on a paper towel. Shortly afterwards, when the pumpkin is tender, remove and drain on a paper towel.

Once all the pumpkin has been fried, combine together in a bowl with the garlic and dredge with sugar, chopped mint leaves, cinnamon and extra virgin olive oil.

Mix with care. Serve hot or at room temperature.