Caroline’s Tomato Relish

11:30 am on 23 April 2012

Courtesy Edmonds.

Start the day before.


  • 12 very large tomatoes (beefsteak variety) or 1.7 kg smaller peeled (pour boiling water over the tomatoes in a bowl and the skins come off easily)
  • 4 large onions
  • 15 grams salt
  • 500 grams brown sugar
  • malt vinegar to cover
  • 3 fresh chillis finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder (Jonathon Spices Indian spice mix is great)
  • 2 tablespoons flour


Chop onions and tomatoes into pieces and sprinkle with salt... Leave covered with a tea towel overnight.

Next day pour off the excess liquid (it will be the watery stuff).

Put the tomatoes, onions, chillis and sugar into your pan.

Add enough vinegar to just cover the vegetables.

Bring to the boil and simmer for one and a half hours.

Mix flour, curry powder and mustard to a smooth paste using some extra vinegar (make sure it has a runny consistency).

Add to the mixture and boil again for 5 more minutes.

Put into sterilised jars and seal.

Improves after a few weeks.