18 Dec 2013

The Lilburn Lecture 2013

From Appointment, 7:00 pm on 18 December 2013

Dr Philip Norman

In November 2013, composer, author and critic Dr Philip Norman delivered the inaugural Lilburn Lecture hosted by the Lilburn Trust and the Alexander Turnbull Library. Appropriately, it took place on Douglas Lilburn’s birthday, 2nd November in the Hunter Council Chamber at Victoria University, Wellington.

Philip Norman is a Christchurch-based composer, author and critic; he wrote the highly acclaimed first biography of Douglas Lilburn, and in 2013 he was the recipient of the first research fellowship established in Lilburn’s name at the National Library.

Entitled Plato’s Cave: Realities of Composing in New Zealand, the lecture also includes a live performance of Norman’s work Plato’s Cave by guest artists Reuben Chin (saxophone), Peter Barber (vlola), Jian Liu (piano).

Musical examples

musical examples
Photos: NZSM