Hymns by Charles Wesley, and some hymn-singing instructions from his brother John in today's programme. You can also hear Deep in the human heart by NZ hymn writer Bill Wallace, and two settings of Psalm 104.
Man singing hymn (Arvid Liljelund, 1884, Finnish National Gallery) Photo: Creative Commons
Artist: Choir of Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, Catherine Palmer (dir), Ronald Jordan (organ)
Words/Music: C Wesley/C H Parry
Recording: Marquis
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim,
and publish abroad his wonderful name;
the name all-victorious of Jesus extol;
his kingdom is glorious and rules over all.
God ruleth on high, almighty to save;
though hid from our sight, his presence we have;
the great congregation his triumph shall sing,
ascribing salvation to Jesus our King.
"Salvation to God, who sits on the throne!"
let all cry aloud, and honour the Son;
the praises of Jesus the angels proclaim,
fall down on their faces and worship the Lamb.
Then let us adore and give him his right:
all glory and power, all wisdom and might,
all honour and blessing with angels above
and thanks never ceasing for infinite love.
Artist: St Chad’s Cathedral Choir
Words/Music: C Wesley/J Parry
Recording: Priory PRCD 723
Jesu, lover of my soul,
let me to thy bosom fly,
While the nearer waters roll,
while the tempest still is high.
Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,
till the storm of life is past;
Safe into the haven guide;
O receive my soul at last.
Other refuge have I none,
hangs my helpless soul on thee;
Leave, ah! leave me not alone,
still support and comfort me.
All my trust on thee is stayed,
all my help from Thee I bring;
Cover my defenceless head
with the shadow of thy wing.
Plenteous grace with thee is found,
grace to cover all my sin;
Let the healing streams abound;
make and keep me pure within.
Thou of life the fountain art,
freely let me take of thee;
Spring thou up within my heart;
rise to all eternity.
Artist: Jubilate Singers
Words/Music: Bill Wallace/Ellor
Recording: Private
Deep in the human heart
The fires of justice burn;
With visions of a world renewed
Through radical concern.
As Christians we are called
To set the captives free,
To overthrow the evil powers
And end hypocrisy.
This is our task today,
To build a world of peace;
A world of justice, freedom, truth,
Where kindness will increase;
A world from hunger freed,
A world where people share,
Where every person is of worth
And no-one lives in fear.
Taking the step of faith,
We leave the past behind
And move into the future’s world
With open heart and mind.
By grace we work with Christ,
As one community,
To bring new hope and fuller life
To all humanity.
Artist: Otago Girls’ High School Choir
Words/Music: Gibson/Gibson
Recording: RNZ CD 816
Let justice roll down like a river,
let justice flow down to the sea;
let justice roll down like a river
let justice begin through me.
Justice for all who go hungry,
crying to God to be fed,
left in a world of abundance
to beg for a morsel of bread.
Justice for those who are homeless,
victims of war or of need,
trapped on the borders of nowhere,
lost in the canyons of greed.
Justice for all who are powerless,
yearning for freedom in vain,
plundered and robbed of their birth-right,
silently bearing their pain.
Artist: Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer (dir), Rupert Gough (organ)
Words/Music: Perry/Tredennick
Recording: Hyperion 112101
Like a mighty river flowing,
like a flower in beauty growing,
far beyond all human knowing
is the perfect peace of God.
Like the hills serene and even,
like the coursing clouds of heaven,
like the heart that's been forgiven
is the perfect peace of God.
Like the summer breezes playing,
like the tall trees softly swaying,
like the lips of silent praying
is the perfect peace of God.
Like the morning sun ascended,
like the scents of evening blended,
like a friendship never ended
is the perfect peace of God.
Like the azure ocean swelling,
like the jewel all-excelling,
far beyond our human telling
is the perfect peace of God.
Artist: Choir of Norwich Cathedral, David Dunnett (dir), Katherine Dienes (organ)
Words/Music: Grant/Croft
Recording: QED 276
O worship the King all-glorious above,
O gratefully sing his power and his love:
our shield and defender, the Ancient of Days,
pavilioned in splendor and girded with praise.
O tell of his might and sing of his grace,
whose robe is the light, whose canopy space.
His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,
and dark is his path on the wings of the storm.
The earth with its store of wonders untold,
Almighty, thy power hath founded of old;
hath stablished it fast by a changeless decree,
and round it hath cast, like a mantle, the sea.
O measureless might! Ineffable love!
While angels delight to hymn thee above,
Thy humbler creation, though feeble their lays,
With true adoration shall all sing thy praise.
Artist: Choir of Christ’s College, Cambridge, David Rowland (dir), Alexander Miller (tenor), Simon Jacobs (organ)
Words/Music: Psalm 104/Dom Gregory Murray
Recording: Priory PRCD 721
Send forth your spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth.
Praise the Lord O my soul,
O Lord God, your glory is great:
how manifold are your works,
in wisdom you have made them all.
All creatures look to you
to give them their food to eat:
when you open your hands, they are filled with good,
when you hide your face, they pine away.
When you take away their breath, they die,
and return to the earth whence they came:
when you send forth your spirit, all thighs spring to life,
and the face of the earth is renewed.
The glory of the Lord shall never cease,
the Lord shall rejoice in all his works:
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live,
I will praise my God while my breath remains.
Artist: St Clement’s Choir, Philadelphia
Words/Music: C Wesley/Stainer
Recording: Dorian 790259
Love divine, all loves excelling,
Joy of heaven, to earth come down,
fix in us thy humble dwelling;
all thy faithful mercies crown.
Jesu, thou art all compassion;
pure, unbounded love thou art;
visit us with thy salvation;
enter every trembling heart.
Come, Almighty, to deliver;
let us all thy life receive;
suddenly return, and never,
nevermore thy temples leave.
Thee we would be always blessing,
serve thee as thy hosts above,
pray, and praise thee without ceasing,
glory in thy perfect love.
Finish then thy new creation;
pure and spotless let us be;
let us see thy great salvation
perfectly restored in thee:
changed from glory into glory,
till in heaven we take our place,
till we cast our crowns before thee,
lost in wonder, love, and praise.
Artist: St Clement’s Choir, Philadelphia
Words/Music: Struther/Trad
Recording: Dorian 790259
Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy,
Whose trust, ever childlike,
no cares could destroy,
Be there at our waking,
and give us, we pray,
Your bliss in our hearts, Lord,
At the break of the day.
Lord of all eagerness, Lord of all faith,
Whose strong hands were skilled
at the plane and the lathe,
Be there at our labours
and give us, we pray,
Your strength in our hearts, Lord,
At the noon of the day.
Lord of all kindliness, Lord of all grace,
Your hands swift to welcome,
Your arms to embrace.
Be there at our homing,
and give us, we pray,
Your love in our hearts, Lord,
At the eve of the day.
Lord of all gentleness, Lord of all calm,
Whose voice is contentment,
whose presence is balm,
Be there at our sleeping,
and give us, we pray,
Your peace in our hearts, Lord,
At the end of the day.