From Jean-Baptiste Lully's 1686 opera Armide, a tale about the tussle of love and vengeance..
Performed by NZ Barok at their concert of descriptive music, 'The Enchanted Forest'
Lully's Armide, Act 3 Photo: Public Domain
Armide, a sorceress, falls in love with her enemy Renaud. She casts a spell so that he’ll love her back. But then she regrets that and calls on the Goddess of Hate to restore her hatred. But she can’t stop her true feelings. Anyway – plot twists back and forth – it all ends badly for poor Armide.
Recorded by RNZ Concert in St Luke's Church, Remuera, 9 November 2019
Producer: Tim Dodd; Engineer: Rangi Powick
Video produced by NZ Barok with sound by RNZ Concert.