Kia Kaha! was put together by APO Music Director Giordano Bellincampi with an overarching theme of tribute and hope. It is dedicated to all those who lost their lives to COVID-19, the families and friends they left behind and everyone who is working so hard to eliminate the virus and make our world safe again.
Giordano Bellincampi Photo: Andreas Kohring
GABRIELI: Sonata pian’ e forte
BARBER: Adagio for Strings
DEBUSSY: Reverie for Flute and Harp
GOUNOD: Petite symphonie
LILBURN: Allegro for Strings
REICH: Clapping Music
Find out more and listen to this performance here:
GABRIELI: Sonata pian' e forte
Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra Brass Photo: screenshot ex APO video
Performed at the Auckland Philharmonia's Kia Kaha! concert without audience during Covid-19 Level 2 restrictions.
Recorded by RNZ Concert, Auckland Town Hall, 12 June 2020
Producer: Tim Dodd; Engineer: Adrian Hollay
Samuel BARBER: Adagio For Strings
Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra Strings Photo: screenshot ex APO video
Performed at the Auckland Philharmonia's Kia Kaha! concert without audience during Covid-19 Level 2 restrictions.
Recorded by RNZ Concert, Auckland Town Hall, 12 June 2020
Producer: Tim Dodd; Engineer: Adrian Hollay
DEBUSSY: Rêverie For Flute And Harp
Melanie Lancon, Ingrid Bauer Photo: screenshot ex APO video
Performed at the Auckland Philharmonia's Kia Kaha! concert without audience during Covid-19 Level 2 restrictions.
Recorded by RNZ Concert, Auckland Town Hall, 12 June 2020
Producer: Tim Dodd; Engineer: Adrian Hollay
GOUNOD: Petite Symphonie
Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra Winds Photo: screenshot ex APO video
Performed at the Auckland Philharmonia's Kia Kaha! concert without audience during Covid-19 Level 2 restrictions.
Recorded by RNZ Concert, Auckland Town Hall, 12 June 2020
Producer: Tim Dodd; Engineer: Adrian Hollay
LILBURN: Allegro For Strings
Performed at the Auckland Philharmonia's Kia Kaha! concert without audience during Covid-19 Level 2 restrictions.
Douglas Lilburn’s ‘Allegro for Strings’ was completed in 1942 and premiered by the Auckland 1YA Studio Orchestra. Lilburn’s biographer Philip Norman says the work is one of the composer’s most powerful earlier pieces and reveals that, privately, Lilburn suggested to his lover Rita Angus that the soul of their miscarried child lived in the work. Publicly, Lilburn attributed the work’s inspiration to both paintings of Angus and Denis Glover’s poem ‘Holiday Piece’.
Recorded by RNZ Concert, Auckland Town Hall, 12 June 2020
Producer: Tim Dodd; Engineer: Adrian Hollay
Steve REICH: Clapping Music
Steven Logan, Eric Renick Photo: screenshot ex APO video
Performed at the Auckland Philharmonia's Kia Kaha! concert without audience during Covid-19 Level 2 restrictions.
Recorded by RNZ Concert, Auckland Town Hall, 12 June 2020
Producer: Tim Dodd; Engineer: Adrian Hollay
Recorded in Auckland Town Hall on 12 June 2020 by RNZ Concert.