Not every New Zealand classical composer markets his own singles from his website and crosses barriers to collaborate with artists from around the globe. That man is John Psathas.
Photo: John Psathas
John Psathas It's Already Tomorrow, cover image. Photo: Artwork by Daniel Blackball.
It's Already Tomorrow is a collaborative album produced by Psathas and Jack Hooker, which features Name UL, Briar Prastiti, Purple Pilgrims, Arjuna Oakes and others.
Music Details
'Song title' (Composer) – Performers
Album title
'Waiting for the Aeroplane' (Psathas) – Dan Poynton
Rhythm Spike
'Drum Dances 1' (Psathas) – Stephen Gosling, Evelyn Glennie
Rhythm Spike
'Maenads' (Psathas) – Netherlands Wind Ensemble
(NBE Live)
'Anthem, from No Man's Land' (Psathas) – Strasbourg Philharmonic Orchestra
No Man's Land
(John Psathas)
'Mentacide' (Psathas) – John Psathas
(John Psathas)
'Ichi-Go Ichi-E' (Psathas) – Renkei Hashimoto et al
Voices at the End
(John Psathas)
'Lake Opal' (E Psathas) – Name UL
It's Already Tomorrow
'I'm not lazy, just lost' (Prastiti) – Briar Prastiti
It's Already Tomorrow
'Ground Piece' (Purple Pilgrims) – Purple Pilgrims
It's Already Tomorrow
'Lost' (Oakes) – Arjuna Oakes
(Arjuna Oakes)
'Unlearn' (Oakes, Psathas) – Arjuna Oakes, John Psathas
It's Already Tomorrow
'Alimos' (Hooker) – Jack Hooker
It's Already Tomorrow