Last night you may have enjoyed listening to our live broadcast of the first semi-final in the 2019 Michael Hill International Violin Competition.
James Ehnes Photo: Benjamin Ealovega
The six violinists through to this round are performing Mozart quintets with a group of professional string players in this chamber music round. We will hear three more this evening.
Then we’ll find out which three have been selected to go through to the final round on Saturday where they will each play a concerto of their choice with the APO conducted by Giordano Bellincampi.
Eva Radich spoke with the most famous name on the jury: international violinist James Ehnes who is back for his second term on the judging panel.
“I think those performances where a person has that combination of integrity to the score and to the composer's intentions, mixed with a very convincing interpretation that feels completely honest, those are the things that come across to me. I think there are a lot of things an audience will forgive, but dishonesty is not one of them. That’s something I was really impressed with in the round down in Queenstown.”