NZTrio has its first concert of the year this Sunday – the first with the new permanent line-up of violinist Amalia Hall and pianist Somi Kim joining founding cellist Ashley Brown.
NZTrio - Somi Kim, Amalia Hall, Ashley Brown Photo: Tai Nelson/NZTrio
The programme Origins opens with Beethoven’s Ghost trio to celebrate his birth a quarter of a millennium ago, before embarking on a tour through the varied heritages of the three players in NZTrio AND a world premiere by New Zealand composer Sarah Ballard.
Sarah’s work for the trio is called ‘Prema Lahari’ (which is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘waves in the ocean of pure love’) and was inspired by her Bhakti yoga practice and lifestyle.
Eva Radich spoke to Somi Kim and Sarah Ballard about the concert and started by asking Somi how things have been for the trio after the disruptions of the last few months.