Reports from Nauru say a 23 year-old Iranian asylum seeker, who has been held in isolation since being beaten in a savage sexual assault in May, is close to kidney failure but not getting the care she needs.
The Refugee Action Coalition reports that Nazanin's physical and mental health has deteriorated badly since the attack.
The watchdog says she has not been eating or drinking for the last few weeks and is often unresponsive even to family members.
The Coalition reports that in the past week Nazinan's family has been told by doctors that high potassium levels in her blood indicate kidney failure and she is at risk of permanent kidney damage.
The Coalition's Ian Rintoul says Australia's Department of Immigration has done nothing to provide the health care Nazinan needs.
He says since the assault in May, the department has done everything to cover up the attack.
He says the family was told that Nazinan would be taken to Australia as other sexual assault victims on Nauru have been, but this plan was dropped a week ago.
Mr Rintoul says the Australian Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton, is playing politics with Nazanin who should be medivaced to Australia urgently.
Neither the Immigration Department or the Nauru Government has yet commented on the issues raised.