The leader of a Fiji opposition party Biman Prasad is supporting calls for an independent investigation into a death in police custody last week.
The leader of the Fiji National Federation Party, Biman Prasad. Photo: RNZ / Sally Round
Vikrant Nand was found dead at the Nakasi police station while being held in custody last Thursday.
His family was reportedly initially told the 18-year-old had committed suicide.
But they said they had been given different stories about the death by different officers.
Mr Prasad, who is the leader of the National Federation Party, said Mr Nand's family invited him to attend his funeral as they have questions that need to be answered.
"The family is aggrieved at the way in which the way in which the whole investigation has been handled. It is alleged that their son was beaten in police custody. These are the claims that the family is making and it's only proper that there be an independent investigation to establish the full facts."
The Fiji Police have reportedly stated they will only comment once investigations into the death are complete.