Babies born to lower income families in Fiji will get a $FJ1000 dollar start in life under Fiji's national budget delivered last night.
Photo: Fiji Parliament
The spending plan also included increases in paid parental leave, free family insurance for civil servants and grants to encourage home ownership.
Economy Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum introduced his election year budget as bold, historic and built for Fijian families.
22 percent was set aside for education including reducing student debt, a 50 percent boost in scholarships, recruiting and upskilling teachers and rebuilding schools.
The 5 percent duty on imported fruit and vegetables is slashed to zero and sugary drinks tax has been raised.
Economy Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum. Photo: Supplied
The government's introducing incentives for GPs to set up in remote areas.
It's also bringing in free wifi hotspots in public parks, a doubling of the plastic bag levy, a kidney disease research centre and subsidies for dialysis.
A price stabilisation fund will be set up for the sugar industry, the threshold for service tax has been increased and the duty on new cars has been lowered.