Samoa's prime minister says there's no need for Samoa Airways to reveal its financial performance because journalists don't understand financial records.
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The national airline was launched a year ago, and has been using a leased jet and taken loans from the Unit Trust of Samoa.
When asked about its financial performance by the Samoa Observer, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi said the airline was not a public company.
He said even if it was, journalists wouldn't understand the records.
However, the state has funded the airline since its inception.
Samoa Airways to get its second plane from next month
Meanwhile, Samoa Airways will be operating a second plane from the beginning of next month.
Tuila'epa Sailele Malielegaoi said the airline will be operating a new Boeing 737-900.
The Minister responsible for the airline, Lautafi Purcell hinted at the launch of Samoa Airways last year that the airline was already looking at introducing the D Max 9, which is other name for the B737-900.
Tuilaepa hasn't said where the second plane will be leased from, but the current plane is on lease from an Italian airline.