Saipan in the Northern Marianas. Photo: Supplied
Businesses in the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas (CNMI) are calling on the US Department of Transportation to exempt the territory from the cap on the number of scheduled flights from China to the United States.
China Part Order 213 limits the number of scheduled flights from China to the US to 24 each month.
The Saipan Chamber of Commerce and the Hotel Association (HANMI) has sent out letters addressed to government leaders, including including Governor Arnold I. Palacios, asking for their help in persuading the Department of Transportation to grant the CNMI the exemption.
They have also for the Department of Transportation's help to boost the China market to improve the processing of Chinese visitors, and amending the approved countries eligible for CW-1 permits, and more.
In a letter released to the local media the Chamber said "there are significant and urgent needs present in our community, and the means by which to address them collaboratively.
"Expanding the potential revenue for all and not just the piecing out of ever smaller portions of a shrinking source of revenue is possible through collaboration, improvements to the way in which our government and economy operate, and in balancing diverse needs to uplift the greatest number of people.
"We understand the complexities of geopolitics and the myriad of considerations when crafting policy," the letter stated.
It further said "the CNMI stands at a pivotal juncture, and the decisions made today will echo for generations".
"We are not merely seeking economic growth; we are striving to preserve our way of life, our culture, and our shared American values," the businesses community said.
They urged the US to consider their recommendations, "keeping in mind the broader tapestry of US interests, regional dynamics, and the very real, immediate needs of the CNMI's residents".
Ultimately, HANMI and the Chamber's goal in this joint endeavour is to address critical matters that both the business community and the government face today.
The China market was the CNMI's largest tourism market before the Covid-19 pandemic put the global tourism industry into halt.
According to the Marianas Visitors Authority (MSA), tourism numbers to CNMI was up by 136 percent for September 2023 (19,483) compared to September 2022 (8,256).
"Total visitor arrivals to The Marianas in Fiscal Year 2023 were 194,661, a 180 percent increase compared to 69,647 arrivals in Fiscal Year 2022," the tourism office said.
South Korea dominates the tourism market, comprising of 82 percent of all arrivals, followed by Japan (4 percent) and China, Guam, the US, and other markets.
"Overall, visitor arrivals to The Marianas recovered 46% in FY 2023 compared to FY 2019 before the pandemic," the MSA said.