Media Releases
RNZ welcomes investment in the future of public media
Released at 3:16 pm on 19 May 2022
RNZ Chief Executive and Editor-in-Chief, Paul Thompson, says the Budget 2022 funding announcement reflects the importance of ensuring public media broadcasting is well resourced into the future.
The Government announced today $327 million dollars over three years in baseline funding for the new media entity.
Earlier this year, Cabinet approved the creation of a new public media entity which will blend RNZ and TVNZ into a new organisation focused on public broadcasting principles. Legislation is to be passed this year and the broadcaster to by operational mid next year.
“Today’s budget announcement is an important step towards a well-resourced and viable public broadcaster. It is a welcome investment in public media objectives, said Paul Thompson.
“It is also timely. There is enormous disruption within the media sector. We have to address how we can best serve our audiences at a times of increased disinformation, the growing influence of digital giants, while also being focused on reflecting and preserving our own identity.”
“RNZ is encouraged by the budget announcement. It is an important step towards the creation of a strong flexible organisation which can serve the interests of Aotearoa New Zealand,” he said.
Earlier this year a Governance Group Business Case recommended the future public media broadcaster be a not-for- profit entity funded by a mixture of Crown and commercial revenue.
RNZ and TVNZ are currently working together with the Government appointed Establishment Board on the public media project.
“Without doubt it’s going to be a busy year I’m personally delighted with how the RNZ team continues to produce great award winning content while actively engaging in the development of the new public media entity,” said Thompson.