22 Nov 2024

Human vs horse - who will win?

From Afternoons, 1:15 pm on 22 November 2024

Human or Horse?  Who would win a 40 km race?

It sounds like the kind of question you'd toss around after a few too many beers at the pub... and that is exactly where the idea for 'The Only Fools and Horses Race' came to life.  

Runners and horses will go head-to-head in a race through rugged terrain in central Otago

 While horses can average speeds of up to 40km/h, Humans typically run at around 10km/h ... but who have the endurance to go all the way? 

'The Only Fools and Horses Race' coordinator Steve Tripp joins Jese to explain why this is happening. 

Kaimanawa horses.

Kaimanawa horses. Photo: Kaimanawa Heritage Horses

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