22 Nov 2024

Why do kiwi cities have Coats of Arms?

From Afternoons, 1:35 pm on 22 November 2024

A couple of months ago there was a campaign for Hamilton to redesign its coat of arms...

Spoiler alert - The mayor said it's not going to happen. But that got us thinking.... Why do our cities even have Coats of Arms? And are they actually any good? 

Or could some cities do with a bit of a rebrand?

So to answer that question - and come up with a distinctly un-comprehensive - regional coat of arms ranking... We're joined by David Jack & Dick Frizzell

David is an expert in all things Coats Of Arms and Dick is an internationally famous artist.

We're also running a mini-competition to design a Coat of Arms for the show. Send your entried into afternoons@rnz.co.nz by Wednesday next week. There's a blank template below you can download to get you started.

Blank coat of arms template


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