2 Mar 2025

Arts and culture participation for 12-year-olds shows better wellbeing and relationships

From Culture 101, 1:07 pm on 2 March 2025

A new report by AUT's Te Ipukarea Research Institute shows 12-year-olds who participate in arts and culture through extra-curricular and free-time activities experience better wellbeing, peer relationships, a stronger sense of identity and higher engagement in a school environment. Free-time activities could include reading, arts and crafts or listening to music, while extra-curricular refers to organised activities like sports, arts or music classes. There is also a focus on Nga Toi Maori activities and its impact on those who participate. Last year, Culture 101 spoke to Dr Rebecca Evans (Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri, Tangata Tiriti), lead researcher and lecturer at AUT, about the first part of this series, commissioned by the Ministry, which showed high participation rates of 12-year-olds in these types of activities. This new report builds on the previous findings which draws on data collected through the longitudinal study Growing Up in New Zealand.