Easter Monday for Monday 28 March 2016
Email Lynn: eastermonday@radionz.co.nz
Email Lynn: eastermonday@radionz.co.nz
8:10 Governor General Sir Jerry Mataparae
Dame Patsy Reddy will take over from Lt Gen The Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae as Governor General in August. With 5 months left to run on his tenure Sir Jerry Mataparae shares some highlights of his time in office, what's exciting him about our universities' work in science and innovation, and talks about rugby and his open heart surgery.
Diarmaid Ferriter Photo: Supplied
8:36 Easter Rising
The 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising celebrates the courage and ideals that characterised the events and people of 1916. Historian Diarmaid Ferriter reflects on the history and national identity which has resulted in the Ireland of today.
8:50 Beyond the Bin
Beyond the Bin creator Kim Renshaw on how an almost-zero waste recycling effort at Mount Maunganui's Gourmet Night Market is making its mark on even larger events around the country. Cleaner events are better events she's hearing. And she'd know, she's just recycled Womad!
9:05 Mark Boyd: TV Election Coverage: 1993 to 2014
Voters may tend to trust journalists about politics and politicians more than expensive ad campaigns that run in the lead up to elections. But are we well served by our media these days, or are they more interested in providing entertainment rather than burrowing into policy promises? Journalist Mark Boyd is researching New Zealand television election coverage for his PhD. The high profile presidential nomination campaign in America, and the manoeuverings of Australia's latest Prime Minister to secure more power, have also got Mark thinking about the media-politician relationship.
9:20 Gardening: Community Fruit Harvesting
At this time of year our fruit trees are groaning. But it can sometimes be a tall order to gather the harvest before it falls. Coming to the rescue: Community Fruit Harvesting. These are regionally organised bunches of fruit-picking volunteers, who are especially busy this Easter weekend. Wellington's Community Fruit Harvesting group organiser Julie Harris and volunteer Manuela Fletcher talk about their recent hauls of quinces and peaches. They also tell us how to tell when fruit is ripe.
9:40 Juliana Barbassa: Rio de Janeiro
Juliana Barbassa, author of Dancing with the Devil in the City of God Photo: Supplied
As the countdown to the Olympics ticks louder, questions about Rio's readiness and suitability to host the games are far from fading. Among the concerned voices, Brazilian-born journalist and former Associated Press Rio de Janeiro correspondent Juliana Barbassa writes in her acclaimed book Dancing with the Devil in the City of God that while the athletes go there to win, the citizens of Rio - the Cariocas - are losing out.
10:05 SAD
For some people the change of seasons means more than just digging out the jerseys and replenishing the wood stack - it can mean long months of lethergy, over sleeping and over eating, anxiety and loss of libido. All these are symptoms of the winter blues, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. Some recent studies have dismissed S.A.D, so we asked clinical psychologist Joe Guse about it.
Researcher Jennifer Ashton. Photo: Supplied
10:25 Charlotte Badger: First pakeha woman in NZ
Charlotte Badger is believed to be the first Pakeha woman ever to have lived in New Zealand. Researcher Jennifer Ashton is trying to piece her story together, but with very little to go on do obscure characters like Charlotte Badger have to be lost to time, or can other lines of research bring her to life? Jennifer Ashton has received a New Zealand History Trust Fund Award to help her with the task.
10:40: Live Music: Derek Lind
Derek Lind is accompanied by Guy Wishart and Glen Ross Campbell is the Auckland studio performing tracks from his acclaimed double album 'Solo'.
11:05 Guatemala: Semana Santa
One of the most colourful Easter celebrations is wrapping up across Spain and Latin America. Semana Santa is a week long religious celebration with a big feeling of carnival. It's a highlight on the Catholic calendar, not least in Guatemala, in Central America, where tourists and huge crowds turn out for parades of floats, elaborate carpet-making, and candlelit vigils in its UNESCO World Heritage city of Antigua. English teacher Chris Amoroso lives there. He has traveled the country extensively and has experienced Antigua's Semana Santa 5 times.
11:20 Measuring the ANZACs
Professor of Economics at Waikato University Les Oxley. Photo: Supplied
New Zealand's First World War history texts about Gallipoli will have to be rewritten - we now know that there were twice as many soldiers there than we believed.
It reminds us that despite all the writing and research done on our wartime experience, there is still a lot to learn. Professor of Economics at Waikato University Les Oxley and Evan Roberts talk about international research project 'Measuring the ANZACs' which is bringing together project researchers, genealogists, historians and people with a little time on their hands to transcribe World War One personnel files.
11:35 Te Araroa trail: Pukerua Bay to Paekakariki
A new walking track 220 metres above sea level gets its official opening next month. The latest section of the national Te Araroa trail stretching 10kms between Pukerua Bay and Paekakariki snakes up through bushy escarpment above the Tasman, train track and highway. It takes about 4 hours to walk. Lynn put on her walking boots and banished any fear of heights.
11:50 Charles Royal: Bush Kai
Huhu grubs spiced with horopito - just one of the meals you could gather on a bush walk. Maori chef, forager and indigenous gatherer Charles Royal (Ngati Raukawa, Te Whanau Apanui) talks about the kai and medicine you can find if you know where to look.
Music played in this show
Artist: Jason Isbell
Song: Hudson Commodore
Album: Something More Than Free
Composer: Isbell
Label: Thirty Tigers
Broadcast time: 8.33
Artist: Pokey LaFarge
Song: Something in the Water
Album: Something In the Water
Composer: La Farge
Label: Universal
Broadcast time: 8:47
Artist: Bonnie Raitt
Song: Gypsy in Me
Album: Dig In Deep
Composer: Raitt
Label: Four two nine
Broadcast time: 9.17
Artist: Amiria Grenell
Song: Rain
Album: Autumn
Composer: Grenell
Broadcast time: 9.45
Artist:Geoff Chapple, with Anika Moa, Don McGlashan, Annie Crummer
& Laughton Kora
Track: Blue Trail: Te Araroa
Album: Blue Trail: Te Araroa
Composer: Chapple
Label: Private
Broadcast time: 10.20
Artist: Derek Lind
Song: Rain Falls
Album: Solo
Composer: Lind
Label: n/a
Broadcast time: 10:45
Artist:Derek Lind
Song: Will you rescue me
Album: Solo
Composer: Lind
Label: n/a
Broadcast time: 10:50
Artist:Derek Lind
Song: Do as you're told
Album: Solo
Composer: Lind
Label: n/a
Broadcast time: 10:53
Artist: Tiki Taane
Song: No Place Like Home
Album: single
Composer: Taane
Label: Private
Broadcast time: 11.30