Easter Monday for Monday 13 April 2020
8.08 The silent demand for Women's Refuge
Going into lockdown with a violent partner is possibly the worst thing imaginable. Everyone has had to learn how to operate differently and there are extra challenges for Women's Refuge, who are used to receiving new family groups and there are normally lots of hugs and tears as women are brought into a place where they can feel safe. Women's Refuge chief executive, Ang Jury is hoping to reach those who can't speak out.
Photo: RNZ / Hamish Cardwell
8.20 Livestreaming the Tongan church
Tevita Finau is a minister with the Tongan Methodist Church in Northcote in Auckland. Like all churches, Tevita's congregation have not been able to meet and sing and pray together. On Easter Sunday, they had the challenge of taking the holy communion without a minister there to be the steward and give each parishioner the traditional wafers and wine or grape juice that represent the body and blood of Christ. Tevita Finau tells how the Methodist Church managed to take the sacred service into the homes of its worldwide congregation.
Photo: Tevita Finau
8.25 A black cab driver in London
There are about 21,000 black cabs in London and, like other service industries around the world, times are tough at the moment. Black Cabs are also being used to help the fight against coronavirus with the NHS partnering up with them to provide free transport for patients (those particular cabs won’t be available to the general public). This morning we’re talking to Black Cab driver and muso, Geoff Hayden, about the situation for cabbies in the UK’s capital.
Photo: wiki commons - Black Cab/ Jimmy Barrett
8.35 Help from the Wonky Donkey during lockdown
The Wonky Donkey Man’s been busier than ever during lockdown, keeping the kids amused with live Facebook streams and guitar performances of his bestselling children’s books. Craig Smith joins Karyn for a chat and a little number to keep the children happy for a few minutes.
8.45 Sarb Johal: Getting through Level 4 with your sanity intact
Psychologist Sarb Johal's specialty is disaster mental health.He is used to helping with people get through trauma. He worked with patients in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes. He's made his tips and tricks into a series of two minute videos called theusefulpsychologist on YouTube. He talks to Karyn about the stress of making it through week three of lockdown and what you can do to get yourself through it without putting others at risk.
Psychologist Sarb Johal Photo: Supplied
9.06 Selina Tusitala Marsh: Finding comfort in words
Both the incoming and the outgoing Poets Laureate join us this morning for some poetic inspiration on Easter Monday. Selina Tusitala Marsh has recently handed over the baton to David Eggleton, who is also on the programme at 11.40am. Selina has written something especially for this day after the mini-storm overnight.
Dr Selina Tusitala Marsh Photo: University of Auckland
9.16 Crunching the Covid-19 numbers: Professor Shaun Hendy
Scientists crunching the data on Covid -19 are turning their attention to the next steps in finding cases of the virus and isolating them. There are at least three groups of scientists and economists crunching the numbers, which all point to a turning point that began on Tuesday. Te Pūnaha Matatini is a centre for research excellence, from Auckland and Canterbury Universities, whose latest research was released on Thursday, showing the number of new cases would have exceeded 150 a day by now, without a level four lockdown. Physicist, professor Shaun Hendy, explains what it's going to take to beat the virus.
Photo: Shaun Hendy
9.35 Getting your greens: gardening at Eastertime
Former gardening editor of one of the Bauer stable of magazines to be axed, Your Home and Garden, Carol Bucknell talks to Karyn about what to do in the garden while we wait it out, We're growing microgreens and spinach, finding contactless ways of swapping seeds with the neighbours and saving seeds or dividing your favourite plants to get more out of them when money's tight. Carol is full of fantastic ideas to get kids out into nature and off their screens and a passionate proponent of the mental benefits gardening has for all of us.
9.45 Victor Rodger: Blokes Vs Books
In these days of staying home to stop the spread of Covid-19, there's never been a better time to crack open a good book, or listen to a story. Playwright and actor, Victor Rodger, joins us to talk about a new campaign focusing on New Zealand men and their reading habits. Blokes vs Books is a joint initiative between Read NZ Te Pou Muramura (formerly the Book Council) and the NZ Society of Authors, in which actor Victor Rodger discusses with well-known New Zealand men, how books and reading have shaped their lives.
10.06 Sam Hunt: Finding poetic inspiration
Poet, Sam Hunt, is holed up in the far north with Bob Dylan’s new 16-minute track 'Murder Most Foul' on repeat. Sam takes time out from this epic Dylan-athon to share his thoughts on lockdown and to recite some of his favourite verses.
Poet Sam Hunt Photo: RNZ
10.16 Jane Bowron: The demise of columnists
Karyn asks the question of writer and columnist, Jane Bowron, If you were going to write a column this week, what would you write it on? Janes shares her wit and insight with us on the times we’re living through, and her thoughts on the demise of a publication whose pages she has graced for decades, The New Zealand Listener. And in true celebration of the form, RNZ will publish the written text of Jane’s column as soon as we’ve gone to air.
Photo: Jane Bowron
10.40 Working from home with Paul Spain
Now that WFH (working from home) has become “a thing” and even a new term in the Oxford dictionary, we check in with Paul Spain, Chief Executive and Futurist, Gorilla Technology, to see what tech he’s been employing in the home office. Paul looks as getting the best out of your video chats and meetings when working remotely; how to maximise home broadband, and looks to the future, post Covid-19.
Photo: AFP
11.06 Taking ChristChurch's transitional Cathedral services online
When lockdown was announced, Dean Lawrence Kimberley had the unpleasant task of standing in front of the transitional cathedral doors in Christchurch and telling the many elderly parishioners that they had to go home. And some of them were furious. Dean Lawrence tells Karyn Hay the story of how he began conducting services online and soon realised it wasn't as easy as it looks. Suddenly everyone was a critic and telling him he needed to change his approach. And he had to keep trying until he got it right.
Photo: Dean Lawrence
11.16 The birth of a New Zealand anthology
Jacinda Ardern's rallying call to New Zealand to deny oxygen to the toxic rationale behind the mosque attacks of the 15th of March has given rise to an anthology of New Zealand writing from all of its voices and cultures and many different ages. Ko Aotearoa Tātou | We Are New Zealand, asks, what is New Zealand now, in all its rich variety and contradiction, darkness and light? Who are we? Is our shared inheritance something more complex than our hardy, wholesome international image might suggest? Paula Morris has edited the anthology.
Photo: Paula Morris
11.30 Getting the most out of your pantry under lockdown
Kate Marinkovich ran Tomboy Cafe, cakery and eatery in central Wellington until the order came to go into lockdown. Out the door went bags of coffee, trays of eggs and litres of milk, free to whoever was walking past. Kate shut the doors and went home. Her legendary beetroot lattes and brioches are now on hold, but with her knowledge of sourdough baking from her time as chef at Prefab on Jessie Street, and how to rescue a lumpy focaccia, Kate joins Karyn to answer all your culinary lockdown questions. You can find her Instagram account with steps for making the easiest sourdough here. And her website here for some of her much-loved recipes.
11.45 David Eggleton: Poet Laureate
New Zealand’s current Poet Laureate, performance poet, reviewer and non-fiction writer, David Eggleton, talks about his role as a composer of poems for the nation. Earlier this month a ceremony was planned for David to receive his laureate’s tokotoko carved by Jacob Scott, but the ceremony is now on hold until the Covid-19 alert is lifted. Karyn talks to David about what the role of Poet Laureate means to him, and invites him to share a poem or two with the nation. You can read the Poet Laureate's blog here.
Photo: David Eggleton