All episodes
Sunday, 10 May 2009
The Future of Journalism: Ideas talks to US media academic Robert McChesney, Whitireia Journalism head Jim Tucker, and journalist Julie Starr.
Full episodeSunday, 3 May 2009
Ideas dedicates the hour to asking Michael Cullen what made him tick – what were the philosophies that drove him for his nearly three decades in Parliament.
Full episodeSunday, 26 April 2009
An episode of the BBCs Forum programme, featuring political scientist Ned Lebow; writer and historian Lisa Appignanesi; and Austrian physicist Peter Klimek.
Full episodeSunday, 19 April 2009
An episode of the BBC’s Forum programme featuring essayist and thinker Alain de Botton; poet and enthusiastic cyclist Paul Fournel; and Research biologist Brian J Ford.
Full episodeSunday, 12 April 2009
Aboriginal lawyer Megan Davis talks about the reaction in Australia to the Australian Government's official endorsement of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and we talk with Maori academic and long-time campaigner for the declaration Aroha Mead and MP and Maori Party foreign affairs spokesperson Hone Harawera.
Full episodeSunday, 5 April 2009
An episode of the BBC’s Forum programme which takes a look at the revolutions in sex and science and the transforming power of laughter in the ancient world.
Full episodeSunday, 29 March 2009
One Hundred Years of Prohibition: This year marks the hundredth anniversary of the first international meeting on the prohibition of drugs. A century later there are growing calls for a re-think of the policy.
Full episodeSunday, 22 March 2009
New Zealanders currently head up four police departments in the Pacific. Ideas talks to two of them, and former premier of Niue, Young Vivian, reflects on the vast difference in style between the current police chief and a New Zealand administrator who was murdered on the island in the 1950s.
Full episodeSunday, 15 March 2009
Bill Ballantine, Wade Doak and Victor Anderlini have all dedicated their working lives to protecting New Zealand's unique marine environment. Ideas talks to them about their differing visions of the best way to preserve our sea life.
Full episodeSunday, 8 March 2009
We hear about Bolivia's radical new constitution and talk to constitutional law experts Moana Jackson and Matthew Palmer about their different visions of constitutional change in New Zealand.
Full episodeSunday, 1 March 2009
A tribute to the life and work of Dr Ian Prior - father of public health in New Zealand, arts patrons, and anti-nuclear crusader.
Full episodeSunday, 22 February 2009
What are natural health remedies and do they work? Ideas talks to a natural health practitioner, medical school lecturer in general practice Dr Ben Gray, and Dr Shaun Holt author of 'Natural Health Remedies that Really Work'.
Full episodeSunday, 15 February 2009
A look at the extraordinary success of Britain's Cooperative Bank and the wider cooperative movement both in New Zealand and internationally.
Full episodeSunday, 8 February 2009
A look at conscientious objection internationally featuring interviews with an American serviceman seeking refugee status in Canada, two Israeli refuseniks, and Kiwi Moana Cole.
Full episodeSunday, 1 February 2009
A look at the history of Conscientious Objection in New Zealand featuring interviews with historian David Grant and John Baxter grandson of NZ's best known conchie - Archibald Baxter.
Full episode