The Week In Parliament for 18 September 2016
Speaker receives complaint from Labour's Chris Hipkins alleging the Parliamentary Service interfered with his email correspondence with a journalist, saying it blocked an email carrying an attachment which had been classified but had subsequently been cleared for release; Questions and answers between Greens co-leader Metiria Turei and Education Minister Hekia Parata get lost in translation; Ms Parata marks Chinese language week; Justice & Electoral Committee hears submission on a petition calling on the Government to reverse the convictions of people convicted of consensual homosexual acts prior to passing of the Homosexual Law Reform Act 1986 - as well as calling for an official apology for those convictions; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee presented with petition calling for repatriation of the bodies of New Zealand servicemen buried in Malaysia; Health Committee hears submissions on former Labour MP Maryann Street's petition calling for an investigation into public attitudes towards medically-assisted dying; Speaker orders Winston Peters to leave the chamber - twice in two days; Christopher Finlayson gives a preview of the week ahead.