The Day In Parliament for 22 September 2016 - morning edition
Parliament to sit under extended hours provisions on Thursday for progress on treaty settlement bills; Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee one of the few committees dues to meet; National's Mark Mitchell presents his Social Security (Stopping Benefit Payments for Offenders who Repeatedly Fail to Comply with Community Sentences) Amendment Bill to the Social Services Committee; Government Administration committee hears submissions on the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Bill; Things get heated in the General Debate as MPs from across the House play the blame game over the cancellation of Friday's sitting for treaty settlement bills; The Papawai and Kaikokirikiri Trusts Amendment Bill passes second reading unopposed; The New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Bill passes first reading and is referred to the Maori Affairs Committee; Catherine Delahunty extols the virtues of her Public Works (Prohibition of Compulsory Acquisition of Maori Land) Amendment Bill - which fails to pass first reading by 73 votes to 48.