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Recent items from Māpuna
Te Aurere's voyage of rediscovery: 'Our waka brought us home'
12:43 PM.Thirty years ago, a crew of rangatahi led by Hekenukumai Busby set sail on a bold voyage of rediscovery to Rarotonga and back, rekindling a knowledge which had been lost while also proving a point.
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Ariana Tikao: 'Moko kauae is becoming a big part of who we are again'
12:45 PM.Musician and writer Ariana Tikao shares intimate photos from her moko kauae (facial tattoo) ceremony in the new book Mokorua. Read more Audio
Farah Palmer on growth of Women's Rugby World Cup
12:10 PM.Dr Farah Palmer won the World Cup three times with the Black Ferns and is now deputy chair of New Zealand Rugby Board. What does she make of the growth of the tournament as the New Zealand prepares to… Read more Audio
Steve Saunders: 'Culture eats strategy any day of the week'
12:45 PM.Why are American food producers choosing to work with a robotics company based in Tauranga? Partly because of a strong company culture founded in Māori values like manakitanga [hospitality] and… Read more Audio
Robin Hapi, winner of Dame Mira Szazy Lifetime Award
12:15 PM.Robin Hapi's caution and calm have been hugely influential in some of Maoridom's most turbulent challenges of the past 30 years. He was chief executive of the Waitangi Fisheries Commission, helping to… Read more Audio
Artist Piri Cowie
12:45 PM.Take a walk around Christchurch City now and you will see a city still being rebuilt, but with a growing bustle and vibrancy. You will also notice the growing influence of Maori design, narrative… Read more Audio
Stories from Te Tai Tokerau
12:10 PM.From peacemakers and strategists to explorers and entrepreneurs, writers Melinda Webber and Te Kapua O'Connor introduce a new generation to 24 tupuna of Te Tai Tokerau including Nukutawhiti… Read more Audio
Musician Louis Baker
12:50 PM.Ngapuhi musician Louis Baker has collaborated with Jerome Kavanaugh playing taonga puoro and now he's heading to the upcoming Wellington Jazz Festival. Baker's latest work includes coming to terms… Read more Audio
Restoration of Ōhaeawai battle site
12:15 PM.Mapuna visits Ohaeawai, scene of the battle in July 1845 between the forces of Ngapuhi chief Kawiti and British troops. After a week bombarding the low-lying fortified pa the British attempted to… Read more Audio
Ta Tipene O'Regan on monarchy, identity & Aotearoa New Zealand
12:12 PM.Mapuna is in Otautahi-Christchurch to meet Ta Tipene O'Regan, who was named New Zealander of the year for 2022. As a leader of Ngai Tahu, he was crucial in securing the iwi's treaty settlement in the… Read more Audio
Will Maori become tenants in their own land by 2061?
12:45 PM.Dr Pounamu Jade Aikman was recently at Harvard University and his studies include indigenous relationships to the land and environment. He says in Aotearoa 71 per cent of Maori owned homes in 1936… Read more Audio
Ocean going waka soon to depart Tauranga
12:10 PM.The ocean going waka Ngahiraka Mai Tawhiti is scheduled to depart Tauranga on Monday for a trip around part of the North Island. The crew have been trained by celestial navigator Jack Thatcher who has… Read more Audio
The debates were fierce and now 'they've mellowed'
12:40 PM.Chris Wikaira was the Maori Issues correspondent at RNZ in the late 1990s. He says the panel discussion featured some of the big players from the 1990s but now 'they've mellowed' because the debates… Read more Audio
30th anniversary of the Sealords Deal
12:12 PM.This week was 30 years since the signing of the Maori Fisheries Settlement. In this special episode of Mapuna we reflect on three decades since that signing on the 23rd of September 1992. Read more Audio
Research on St Joseph's unearths diaries dating back to 1901
12:45 PM.The launch of Malcolm Mulholland's book was held in St Joseph's school hall with students performing several waiata. A tribute was also paid to 90-year old Sister Sarah Greenlees who helped uncover… Read more Audio
Dame Georgina Kingi
12:12 PM.Today Mapuna features St Joseph's Maori Girls College in the Hawkes Bay which is the subject of a comprehensive new book by Malcolm Mulholland. But no story about St Joseph's can be told without… Read more Audio
Author Tim Tipene on his books and the struggle for acceptance
12:45 PM.Tim Tipene has written children's books around two characters called Pipi and Pou. Tipene was adopted into the Waitai-Tipene whanau as a toddler. His immediate family were abusive and violent and his… Read more Audio
Director Tearepa Kahi on his path to new film Muru
12:12 PM.Tearepa Kahi's previous films include Taua, Mt Zion and Poi E. He says some of the inspiration behind his new film Muru, about the police raids on the people of Tuhoe in 2007, was learnt from Maori… Read more Audio
Campaign targets high stomach cancer rates
12:45 PM.The Gut Cancer Foundation is calling for specific research to pinpoint and address the factors behind stubbornly high rates of stomach cancer in in Maori and Pasifika communities. The Cancer Control… Read more Audio
Veteran Maori broadcaster, artist and teacher Haare Williams
12:12 PM.Haare Williams was a teacher by trade who then became a recognizable voice in the days of the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation. He was trained by one of the doyens of Maori broadcasting, Wiremu… Read more Audio
Prime Minister welcomed on to Turangawaewae Marae
12:45 PM.RNZ's Maori news editor, Jamie Tahana, was at Turangawaewae Marae this morning as the Prime Minister, and the leaders from the political parties were welcomed on. Audio
Paki Rawiri and the famous titi tent
12:35 PM.The resumption of in-person Koroneihana celebrations also sees the return of some unique kai. With thousands of people from around the motu travelling to Turangawaewae Marae it's also seen the return… Read more Audio
Mamae Takerei on Koroneihana celebrations
12:10 PM.Mapuna is at Turangawaewae Marae in Ngaruawahia for the first in-person Koroneihana, or coronation, celebrations since 2019. After two years of being online because of Covid-19 the annual celebration… Read more Audio
Festival to mark 50th anniversary of Maori language petition
12:45 PM.Next month marks the 50th Anniversary of the presentation to Parliament of the Maori Language petition that called for the revitalisation of Te Reo Maori. Mere Boynton is the Director of Nga Toi Maori… Read more Audio