More than one million people took part in Te Wā Tuku Te Reo Māori - the Māori language moment, which made it the largest celebration of te reo in history.
He tohu i te rā me te hāora i tāpaetia ai e tētahi ranga toa o te reo Māori tētahi petihana i te tau 1972 tahi mano, iwa rau, whetu tekau ma rua, i ngā kaupae o te whare pāremata.
The commission's Māori Language Moment marked the day and hour when a small group of language champions presented the Māori Language Petition to parliament in 1972.
Māni Dunlop spoke to te Tumuaki o te taurawhiri o te reo Māori, Ngahiwi Apanui.