30 Sep 2024

What life would look like on a planet with no night and day

From Nights, 9:30 pm on 30 September 2024

There may be life on other planets, but it may not be life as we know it.

Planets in far off solar systems, with different stars in their orbit, might not have a day and night cycle, or seasons, like we do on Earth.

Would life on these planets need sunlight, or even sleep?

Maureen Cohen is a planetary and atmospheric scientist at The Open University and says aliens are likely to have evolved in vastly different conditions than humans, which means we struggle to imagine what life elsewhere in the universe might look like.

Computer illustration of an extrasolar planet with three moons and gaseous nebula.

Computer illustration of an extrasolar planet with three moons and gaseous nebula. Photo: AFP or licensors

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