Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy Photo: HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION
The Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy says there's a strong undercurrent of racism in New Zealand and she's calling on politicians to show more leadership in the area of racial discrimination.
Dame Susan says she is appalled by some recent instances of racial intolerance and exclusion - such as advertisements for flatmates and tenants specifically stating that people of certain ethnicity need not apply.
A new report released by the Superdiversity Centre looks at the implications of New Zealand's ethnic diversity for business, government and citizens. It included an assessment of the government departments and the work they are doing to adjust to a new New Zealand.
Dame Susan says that intolerance is pervading all sectors of society and there needs to be a change.
While we're hearing of more instances of racial abuse, intolerance and discrimination, it is really hard to quantify "casual and accidental racism".
"With more migrants coming to New Zealand and more ethnicities, this is likely to continue unless we do something about it."