30 May 2017

From Mosul to safety: A tale of Lula and Simba

From Nine To Noon, 10:07 am on 30 May 2017

They're often the forgotten casualties of war... The many thousands of zoo animals killed by bombs or starvation after workers have fled... But a global animal charity named Four Paws is on a rescue operation to re-home them. Their latest mission was to bring the last surviving animals in the Montazah Al-Morour Zoo in the war-ravaged Iraqi city of Mosul to a wildlife shelter in Jordan. About 40 animals had died at the zoo before they arrived, and workers were shocked to find how bad the conditions had become for the only living animals -- Lula, a bear, and Simba, a lion. Kathryn speaks with the man who led the rescue operation for Four Paws, Amir Khalil.

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