1 Aug 2019

Southern DHB under fire for 'ignoring' report recommendations

From Nine To Noon, 9:08 am on 1 August 2019
Samples of a colon biopsy to be sent to a laboratory, at Diaconesses Croix Saint-Simon Hospital, Paris, France (2009).

Samples of a colon biopsy to be sent to a laboratory. Photo: A. BENOIST / BSIP

Is it time for a public inquiry into Southern DHB's treatment of bowel cancer patients?

Christchurch surgeon Phil Bagshaw, the co-author of a damning audit says the response to major failures isn't good enough.

After an audit of  20 cases, half showed undue delays with picking up bowel cancer symptoms or giving treatment. 

Mr Bagshaw now claims that the DHB is turning its back on promises to overhaul its procedures on the back of his report.


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