5 Jun 2020

Freshwater reforms and the challenges ahead

From Nine To Noon, 9:20 am on 5 June 2020
Beautiful scenery at Buller River, South Island, New Zealand

Photo: 123RF

Faced with new freshwater regulations and a looming recession councils and  farmers are warning that the changes will be challenging and costly.

The Action for Healthy Waterways package, announced last week, outlined standards around clean swimming spots, set controls for farming practices, and introduced mandatory and enforceable farm environment plans.

It also included a new bottom line for nitrogen toxicity, but controversially the exact measure has  been put off for a further 12 months until after the election.

Kathryn Ryan is joined by Federated  Farmers water and environment spokesperson Chris Allen, Richard McDowell, Chief Scientist, Our Land and Water National Science Challenge, who sat on the Freshwater Leaders Group committee and Waikato Regional Council chief executive and regional sector freshwater advisory group co-chair Vaughan Payne.

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