9 Jun 2022

"Stop trying to cure us": Autistic people tell study

From Nine To Noon, 9:30 am on 9 June 2022
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 "Stop trying to cure us": Autistic people tell study Photo: Supplied / Autism NZ

Autistic people say they don't want research to be focused on finding a cure, and say they need to be actively involved in any future research to do with autism.

These are some of the findings of a study by the University of Canterbury that asked Autistic people what specific research they would like to see in Aotearoa in the coming decade.

Earlier research from Canterbury University found that two thirds of funding awarded for autism research goes towards biological projects seeking to understand the difference associated with autism, compared with a third of funding invested in research into support for autistic people.

Participants also told the latest study they want a better understanding the health, mental health and wellbeing needs of Autistic people, specific to New Zealand and not research into "cure" or behaviour management.

Kathryn speaks with two of the project investigators Lisa Marie Emerson and Ruth Monk.

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