How are your new year's resolution going? If you've already given up on them, you're not alone; researchers have found that most people have abandoned their resolutions and slipped back into old habits by mid-March.
So why is it so hard to form good habits, but so easy to make bad ones?
Whether you resolved to eat better, exercise more, get organised, or spend less money, despite best intentions, we tend to sabotage ourselves; by being impulsive, forgetful or even just a bit lazy.
These are all very human traits, so how can we turn our weaknesses around to work for us?
Kathryn speaks to Professor Katy Milkman, who has devoted her career to the study of behaviour change.
She's the author of How to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be and is a professor at The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and co-directs the Behavior Change For Good Initiative.
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