9 Sep 2024

92 year old Grandad Sings, the internet sensation

From Nine To Noon, 10:05 am on 9 September 2024
Edwin Rayner - aka Grandad Sings

Photo: supplied

Edwin Rayner is a 92 year old internet sensation - with 378 thousand followers on Tiktok, Instagram and YouTube.

His covers of modern songs are loved around the world under the name "Grandad Sings".

Edwin's version of Lana Del Ray's song video games has had 16.8 million views and is available on Spotify and Apple Music.

And there's a hint in the name: Edwin's success is also down to his two granddaughter's Laura and Liv, who got Grandad onto Tiktok two years ago.

That's when things really started taking off. Edwin lives independently in Bournemouth in England, and drives to a local recording studio once a week where he records a song - and the girls do the magic on social media.

He and his granddaughters speak with Bryan Crump.

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