7 Oct 2024

What would it take to make ecocide an international crime?

From Nine To Noon, 9:30 am on 7 October 2024
Earth sits in dried cracked mud before metropolis

Earth sits in dried cracked mud before metropolis Photo: Bruce Rolff

Three of New Zealand's Pacific neighbours have asked the International Criminal Court to consider 'ecocide' an international crime. 

Vanuatu, Fiji and Samoa made a formal submission to the world's highest court last month, that would put the worst environmental destruction by humans, on a par with genocide and crimes against humanity.

It follows a push in recent years to make ecocide a globally punishable offence and moves by some countries  - particularly in Europe - to include it in their own statutes.

So what kind of destruction would 'ecocide' apply to? And what's the process the ICC has to follow? Kathryn speaks with Jojo Mehta, co-founder and CEO of Stop Ecocide International.

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