12 Nov 2024

More vets heading to rural areas but need still great

From Nine To Noon, 9:30 am on 12 November 2024
A vet and a farmer examine a calf on a dairy farm

Photo: 123RF

A scheme incentivising veterinary graduates to move to rural regions has hit record participation levels - but industry leaders say more are needed. 35 graduates have been placed in rural areas this year under the Voluntary Bonding Scheme, the highest number the programme has ever had since it started in 2009. Participants are paid $55,000 over five years towards their student loan, on top of a salary. But the Veterinary Association says in order to meet demand, the scheme should double the number of places and increase the payment. Kathryn speaks with Helen Beattie, managing director of Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Aotearoa.

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