12 Mar 2016

Christopher McDougall: running hero

From Saturday Morning, 11:28 am on 12 March 2016
Christopher McDougall

Christopher McDougall Photo: supplied

American writer Christopher McDougall was a war correspondent in Rwanda and Angola, before becoming the guru of alternative running with his 2009 book, Born to Run: the Hidden Tribe, the Ultra-Runners, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen.

His new book is Natural Born Heroes: the Lost Secrets of Strength and Endurance (Profile). He talks with journalist Rachel Smalley in the Enduring Heroes session (10 March), with fellow writing athletes Nathan Fa’avae, Lisa Tamati and Roger Robinson in the Testing the Limits session (12 March), and will lead the Come Running fun runs around Wellington during Writers Week (9, 10 and 12 March).

He talks to Kim Hill.

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