7 Mar 2020

Director and choreographer Michael Keegan-Dolan

From Saturday Morning, 10:05 am on 7 March 2020
Michael Keegan-Dolan

Michael Keegan-Dolan Photo: supplied

Irish director and choreographer Michael Keegan-Dolan (aka Micháel MacAodhagáin-O'Dobhailen) was last seen at the festival in 2018 with a production of Swan Lake.

He returns with the Teaċ Daṁsa production of MÁM which was Inspired by a community hall and features an onstage band accompanying 12 tireless dancers.

 '...the performers brilliantly enact an unstinting ritual summoning that changes from flirtation to combat, drunken morass to melancholy meandering' (The Guardian).

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